11 July 2007

Ruger Red Dot (Guns XXVI)

I tried out a $50 simmons red dot (I got it at a discount- floor sample) this past weekend.

The first grouping (of 30 rounds, I believe) at 25 yards:
I bought this rifle in 1991. It was $99 at Wal-Mart (where I try never to shop now). My uncle Steve who at the time had a type 01 FFL helped me trick it out like his own.

06 July 2007

Break-Top Break-Down V (Guns XXV)

Time to remove some pins:

Above, you can see the piece of brass I used to tap them out. I was afraid of marring them with a standard steel punch.

These pins hold in the trigger guts, for lack of the proper term.

02 July 2007

Break-Top Break-Down IV (Guns XXIV)

Remove hammer:

Hammer removed:

Remove cylinder (it unscrews if you pull gently while turninig):

01 July 2007

M1895 Nagant (Guns XXIII)

The first two cylinders through the Nagant:



Pretty good groups for an 80-year old gun with what some call sub-standard ammo from a guy who's never shot one before, I guess.

I liked it. A LOT.