29 June 2009

I didn't authorize this...

...and I'm not paying the tab, but I think I deserve a case of their beer just for being "Arn", don't you?

Test your IT industry knowledge and put yourself in with a chance of scoring a case of beer each Friday with the ARN quiz. Simply answer our six questions on what has been happening in the industry correctly and suggest one of your own for the following week's quiz to be in with a chance. Only those entrants that correctly answer all six questions are eligible with the one with the best question - as judged by the ARN editorial team - considered the winner. So if you want to have a case of beer delivered to your office to kick off Friday afternoon drinks, click here!

26 June 2009

A South African Example

Of what happens every single time a government gets involved in things that aren't their business. What do you think... confusing enough? A lack of foresight could criminalize every South African gun owner in a few days.

the original article: at iol.co.nz
Gun owners to get a another shot at Act
The SA Hunters and Game Conservation Association has welcomed an interim court interdict, saying it would temporarily stop more than a million South African gun owners from becoming criminals at the stroke of midnight on June 30. Judge Bill Prinsloo on Friday granted an urgent order in the High Court in Pretoria that all firearm licences granted under the 1969 Arms and Ammunition Act shall be deemed to be lawful and valid, pending the outcome of an application to declare portions of the new Firearms Control Act unconstitutional. The new Act came into operation in 2004, but was in terms of Schedule 1 of the Act phased in over a five-year period, ending on June 30. The Act forces licensed gun owners to re-apply for their licences, including applying for competency certificates, failing which they must dispose of their firearms, or could have them forfeited to the state.
'Everything carries on' The Act also criminalises gun owners who have not applied for the renewal of their licences. They face criminal prosecution and can be sentenced to a year imprisonment for not applying and a further maximum of 15 years for the unlawful possession of a firearm. The association's lawyer, George Nell, described the judgment as "excellent". He said it was of national importance, not only for the Hunters Association, but for all private gun owners. "I think the SAPS and the authorities should have a look at the judgment and maybe take out the positive points to carry out the message to the public more positively and to get their own house in order where necessary," he said.
'Everything is put on hold' Nell said their main application will probably only be heard in about six to eight months and would, if they were successful, have to be confirmed by the Constitutional Court. Police Director Phuti Setati said the judgment could not stop the introduction of the new Act, which will continue."Everything carries on, but because there's another application pending, all licences granted under the old Act remain valid. Everything is put on hold now until the main application is dealt with," he said.Setati said the SAPS respected the judgment and "would act accordingly". "We will study the judgment and will make sure that it is properly communicated internally and externally." - Sapa

25 June 2009

this must be "quote" week for me...

"The world doesn't need one more American IPA, the world doesn't need another hefeweizen. Make something that adds to the beer drinkers' choices."

I agree.

I have my Aliteration ale fermenting now. It's my Sarasota summer seasonal sparkling sour-mash something-or-other. I'm searching for the perfect beer for our summers, and I'm getting close...

Where did we find one like him?

"On this Memorial Day, as our nation honors its unbroken line of fallen heroes -- and I see many of them in the audience here today -- our sense of patriotism is particularly strong."
-Barack H. Obama

22 June 2009

Where do we find another president like him?

"Remember that every government service, every offer of government-financed security, is paid for in the loss of personal freedom. ... In the days to come, whenever a voice is raised telling you to let the government do it, analyze very carefully to see whether the suggested service is worth the personal freedom which you must forgo in return for such service."
-Ronald Reagan

16 June 2009

Heritage (Guns XXXII)

I just couldn't help myself. I had to get a photo. I really need to learn about indoor lighting (still...) so I can get rid of the flash. I probably need a new tripod since I lost the QD base for mine at a ren. fest.
It's made here in Florida, woohoo! It has the color case hardened frame, green camo (laminate wood) grips, 4.75" bbl, 2 interchangeable cylinders: LR (pictured) and WMR, 6 shots, 4-click hammer, 50 yard report is it can bust up some dirt clods. It's loads of plinking fun without plunking down loads of cash!

Parker Hale, like new. (Guns XXXI)

Remember the Parker Hale .270?
It was my dad's and it had a cracked stock. I took it to a local gunsmith. He said that he thought he'd be able to fix it.
When they called for me to pick it up, he had a new (beat up and ugly) wood stock on it and wanted to measure me for it. I explained that it was not the stock I wanted, that if I had to replace it I wanted the Hogue Overmolded stock. He was not happy because he'd already glassbedded (sic?) the rifle and I was not happy because some of the glasbedding (also sic?) was visible on the barrel.
I should have read more on the forums... I probably could have swapped stocks myself in retrospect, but I thought he'd fix the wood.
Long story short, he got the right stock and I'm glad to be done with the whole thing. He slopped on the screws and never did remove the extra glas (also also sic?). I'll not have him do any more gunsmithing for me. On the other hand, I should have guessed judging by the scratches on some of the for sale pistols (brand new) in the display cases that their attitude was more about functionality than about artistry.

Here she is:

On yet another hand, their prices are reasonable and I picked up a Heritage .22lr/mag SA revolver. I had them order it, and they never took it out of the box. It's pretty nice and shoots awfully straight for a ~$200 brand-spankin'-new pistol. I don't have pics of that one yet, but you can expect another post pretty soon: either I'll get some photos of the .22 or I'll get the Parker Hale out to the range and shoot some paper and some pictures.

10 June 2009

... like I've just seen a ghost

It's been a while, Dale.
Yahoo just added some "chat" thing onto email.
It's been a while since I've used the IM, so I didn't get your invite soon enough.
What's it been, now? A year?
Rest in peace.

05 June 2009

unintentional internet vacation

Our router went out on us almost a month ago. We got a new one from Verizon, but it wouldn't work with the old computer I was using. I broke down and spent some money for a new one yesterday and finally have it working. Hooray!

I look forward to blogging again very soon now.

Our drought of two years here has been impacted greatly over the last month due to some really good rains even before the traditional rainy season had begun.

I'll be blogging some more once I download my tons of photos from the cameras now that I have a new computer to do that with. See you then.