31 October 2005

Happy Halloween

or Samhain, whatever your preference...

"Beach of the Living Dead"

28 October 2005


A rail bridge to the Keys.
"By Land or by Sea?"

26 October 2005

Under-Sea World

At Misty's (she'd be "The Wife") suggestion, I pushed through the crowds and crouched down to get The Girls awe-ing over the dolphins. Turned out pretty good, I think- Thanks, wife!

This was, of course, earlier this summer at Sea World.

24 October 2005

After Wilma

as can be seen at Ernie(notBert) , the boat's name is Windmachine... how ironic.

22 October 2005

I must ask!

What is the deal with the "caller ID". I get calls rather often here at work, especially right at or after shift change from people who want to know who called them from here. I just got one a few minutes ago.

him: "This is _____, who called me from there?"
me: "This is a business."
him: "So is this. I just walked in the door."
me: "Okay."
him: "Someone called me from there."
me: "Okay."
him: "I wanted to know who called."
me: "Did you get a message?"
him: "No, I just walked in the door."
me: "Then I don't know who called you."
him: "Alright, then..."
me: "Bye."

Is it just me, or what? To me, it's common sense that someone who really wants a call back will leave a message, or lacking an answering machine or service (but still having caller ID?) will call back.

18 October 2005

an ancient exercise

Taken on a field trip with my photography class just over 10 years ago... in Kimmswick, a run-down town south of St.Louis. Definitely a fixer-uper. I really enjoy the palm trees now that I have 4 of them at my own house.

"Kimmswick DayDreamer"

04 October 2005


The frog says: "Rivet."

After the Rain...

Well, I see that Ernie(notBert) has beat me to it, but here you go anyway!

These (look closely) appeared as my family and I were returning home from Sunday's adventures.