30 April 2008

It's Barbecue Time! (again)

So.... let us celebrate spring, the new job, the beautiful weather, Misty's testing and job interviews, and whatever else you can think of.

In attendance were former co-workers, new co-workers, family (parents, wife, and daughters- Kevin was playing in a parade, but we didn't find out about it until we'd already set our date), and a few members of the local homebrewing club H.A.M.S.

I brought about 8 pints of my fresh brown bitter.

I really couldn't have asked for a more beautiful day for it:

Devin made a new friend.

Lauren found my old friend.

I may have figured out why these little guys aren't so shy. What are you doing, Renee?!

24 April 2008


I made it with ingredients I had left over from last year. You wouldn't know it to taste it, though.
Check these guys out! I have only just discovered what PodCasting is for!

21 April 2008

The blogger, winemaker in the making:

At the Freimuth's winery, learning the trade:

(with Margot Freimuth)

Germany. Here, perhaps?

14 April 2008

while searching the archives...

I came across these pictures.

Mid to late '70s, I suppose, but maybe my mom can help with the date- she's there in the pictures with my toddler self.

And yes, that is (was) Stonehenge.
Oh, yeah- My dad's in the top right picture, but you can hardly see him for his Stonehenge-colored coat.

since I was 6 (or so) [guns xxvii)

I've owned this. That's when my dad bought it for me.
Somewhere there's a picture of me shooting this as a child. I will find it...

Thanks, Danny

We had lots of fun fishing!

Here's Devin having some of that fun:

I believe that's a red ear sunfish. It's there. Look closer....